In November 2022 Ukrainian poultry export made 37k tons
14 December 2022
Since the beginning of Y2022 Ukrainian poultry export made 373k tons, which is by 11% lower y-o-y.
In November Ukraine exported 37k tons of poultry, which was higher than in October (33k tons). Average monthly export quantity since the beginning of Y2022 is 33k tons.
In money terms Ukrainian poultry export made $63M (average price per 1 ton comprised $1.7/t, average price for the whole January-November period - $2.11/t vs. $1.56/t in Y2021). Total export proceeds since the beginning of Y2022 is $787M (higher than for the whole Y2021). Dynamics during last years’ have been as follows:
Import remains subdued – since the beginning of Y2022 Ukraine imported 70k tons of poultry for the value of $39M.