7 November 2016
According to APK-Inform by November 4 Ukrainian farmers harvested corn from 2.8M ha, which is about 67% of total area. Up to the moment reported yield has been at 6.0t/ ha, 16.9M tons of corn is already harvested.
In line with our previous estimations, as corn harvesting campaign progresses from South to Northern regions of Ukraine, corn yields increased. After harvesting of 40% corn sown area (1.7M ha) yield made 5.6t/ha, following 25% of area (1.1M ha) produced yield of 6.5 t/ha. We project further increase of average corn yields till the end of harvesting campaign – to 6.2-6.3 t/ha. On downside are weather conditions – rainy weather slows harvesting campaign and leads to increased corn humidity, while decrease of temperature in Ukraine is expected till the end of November.
Earlier we estimated average profitability of Ukrainian corn producers in current season at 25-30%.
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