More than 50% of sunflower seeds and soybeans harvested in Ukraine
3 October 2016
By the end of September Ukrainian farmers harvested more than 50% of total sunflower seeds and soybeans area. 7.9M tons of sunflower seeds is harvested from 3.7M ha (62% of total) with average yield of 2.15t/ha, for soybeans the figure is 2.1M tons from 1M ha (54%) with yield of 2.11t/ha. It was forecasted that total sunflower seeds harvest in Ukraine can reach 13-13.5M tons (11.2M tons in Y2015, growth due to increase of sown area with stable yield), soybeans – 4.0-4.3M tons (3.8M tons in Y2015, growth due to increase of yields related to low base of previous year), current yields are generally in line with these projections.