5 November 2017
In October 2017 total Ukrainian steel output made 1.9M tons, which has been slightly lower vs. previous month (1.93M tons).
Y-o-y steel output decline made 5.5%. Disregarding output of two enterprises situated at the non-controlled by Ukrainian government Donbass territory – Alchevsk and Enakievo mills - y-o-y production growth in October is estimated at 7-8%.
Average daily steel output dynamics during last period of time is represented on the chart below:
As for total January-October 2017 steel output, it made close to 17.7M tons, which is by 13% lower y-o-y (disregarding production of enterprises situated at non-controlled by Ukrainian government territory of Donbass Ukrainian output declined by just 1.6%, mainly due to standstill of DMK during April-July).
Pig iron production in 10m2017 made 16.4M, by 17% lower y-o-y (in October alone iron ore output made 1.8M tons).
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