8 December 2016
According to Ukrstat information, after growth by 50% in October, Ukrainian domestic shell eggs prices declined by 15% in first half of November and stabilized thereafter. In November Ukrainian export of shell eggs and eggs products made USD 5.7M (+47% vs. October).
Autumn growth of shell eggs prices is usual seasonal pattern for Ukraine (production of households significantly decreases during this time of a year, so producers can increase their prices just in anticipation). For example during September-December’15 prices grew by the same (as in October 2016) 50%. On the other side growth in last year coincided with UAH devaluation, while in current year we see much lower pressure on Ukrainian national currency.
So, as a result of prices growth, domestic consumption started to slide which forced producers to decrease prices (by 15% in November). During last two weeks shell eggs retail prices have been stable.
As for export, after rather low volumes of October, in November it demonstrated some recovery: shell eggs export in natural terms increased by 45%, in money – by 57% up to USD 4M (we note some increase of export price). In total in 11m 2016 total export of shell eggs and egg products made close to USD 71M (lower than a year ago mainly as a result of lower export prices). Future export dynamics will be highly dependent on situation with bird flu in Ukraine and other countries (in Ukraine first cases have been registered several days ago).
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