Astarta is to invest USD 83M in new grains and sugar storage facilities

3 September 2017

According to EBRD the bank is to consider new loan for Astarta in total amount of USD 25M.

The loan is to be directed for construction and acquisition of six grains silos with total capacity of 480k tons and sugar warehouse for 50k tons. Total project cost is estimated at USD 83M.

As a result of such increase it is estimated that total Astarta grain storage facilities are to make more than 660k tons (as a reminder at the moment the company is in process of new grains silos facilities construction with total capacity of 100k tons, in Y2016 Astarta launched new silos for 82k tons).

According to CEO of Astarta Mr. Viktor Ivanchik, new investments into grains and sugar infrastructure are the part of general strategy of the company as for maximum increase of efficiency of Astarta activity. Also it will allow the group to increase margin of safety in its activity due to higher flexibility related to timing of its grains and sugar sales.

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