Radekhiv-Tsukor is to buy ex-Mriya sugar refineries

5 December 2016

According to Ukrtsukor association information, one of the largest Ukrainian sugar producer Radekhiv-Tsukor is to purchase six sugar mills which belonged to bankrupted Mriya Agroholding.

Reportedly after Mriya bankruptcy sugar refineries (6 mills in Ternopil region under name T-Tsukor group) have been controlled by ex-owners of the holding – Guta family, but their assets have been pledged to Prominvestbank. According to Latifundist rating in Y2014 they produced close to 173k tons of sugar, which was 8.5% of total Ukrainian production. In Y2015 only one of six refineries – Zbarazhkiy mill – operated, the rest have been idle, so that total production decreased to 43k tons of sugar.

Radekhiv-Tsukor belongs to TOP-3 Ukrainian sugar producers with total production of about 190k tons in Y2015 (more than 200k is expected to be produced in current season, two mills are owned by the company – in Radekhiv and Chortkiv). The company is owned by German group Pfeifer&Langen, which is one of the largest European sugar producers. With new investment market share of Radekhiv-Tsukor among Ukrainian producers is to increase from estimated 11% in current season up to more than 15% (though it will depend on factual capacities utilization of purchased assets, it is unlikely that Radekhiv will operate all 6 mills).

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