14 March 2017
According to Ukrstat information, after significant decline in the first half of February (by about 17%) in the end of February – beginning of March Ukrainian retail eggs prices stabilized. Now in UAH terms they stand a little lower than in corresponding months of Y2016.
Ukrainian shell eggs retail price index dynamics since the beginning of Y2015 looked as follows:
In February export of shell eggs and eggs products in money terms made close to USD 4.7M vs. about USD 3.0M in January and USD 6.5M in February’16.
We note sharp drop of eggs products export starting from December’16, which can be at least partially (apart from general market weakness) related to bird flu cases in Ukraine (first cases were registered in the beginning of December). In FYs2015-2016 main importer of Ukrainian eggs products has been Denmark (more than 50% of total export), in 2m2017 there was no export into this country. As a result, if in February’16 Ukrainian export of eggs products made USD 2.8M, in February’17 – just USD 0.36M.
On the other side shell eggs export demonstrated better dynamics – in last reporting month it made 5.1k tons (or USD 4.3M), higher vs. both previous month (2.9k tons) and corresponding period of previous year (3.3k tons). UAE accounted for 66% of Ukrainian shell eggs export in 2m 2017, the shares of other importing countries have been much lower.
As we reported earlier total Ukrainian export volume of shell eggs and egg products in Y2016 made USD 75.3M vs. USD 125M in Y2015, main reason of decline is related to general slump of price on the world market. In natural terms export realization of shell eggs by Ukrainian enterprises declined by about 10%, while export of eggs products in tons in Y2016 slightly grew.
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