Since the start of current season Ukrainian sugar export exceeded 500k tons

3 March 2017

According to Ukrtsukor information in February 2017 sugar export from Ukraine made 113k tons, which is almost by two times higher than in previous month.

As a result since the beginning of current season sugar export by Ukrainian companies reached 522k tons (according to our estimations, it’s more than USD 250M in money terms). Export volumes already exceeded early projections for the whole season (500k tons), recently we increased our estimation up to 600k tons and despite sugar stock in Ukraine declined (which resulted in growth of domestic prices by about 20% during last months), we expect continuation of Ukrainian sugar export, but with lower volumes.

According to our opinion at the moment, in current season Ukrainian sugar export will exceed 600k tons and will be somewhere in the range 600-650k tons.

Earlier we reported that TOP-5 groups accounted for 80% of Ukrainian sugar export in Y2016: Astarta Holding accounted for more than 40% of total export volume, Ukrprominvest – 24%, Radekhiv-Tsukor – 9%.

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