Epicenter-K increased its DIY-supermarkets chain up to 46

22 October 2017

In the beginning of October the largest Ukrainian DYI retail chain opened new supermarket in Uman.

Total area of new market is slightly more that 10k sq m, assortment includes more than 60k of goods.

New store became 46th supermarket of Epicenter chain, previous one was opened in June of the current year in Dubno (it was the first Epicenter supermarket opened in Y2017, during last period of time, taking into account significant fall of Ukrainian population purchasing power, development of network has been almost frozen).

Apart from Epicenter-K retail chain the group also manages Nova Liniya network, which includes 14 supermarkets. Combined trade area of two chains (Epicenter-K and Nova Liniya) at the moment is close to 1.2M sq. m.

We also note that during last period of time Epicenter Group is quite active on the agricultural market of Ukraine. In Y2016 Epicenter purchased majotiry stake in Vinnitska Agro-Promyslova Gruppa (middle-sized Ukrainian agri-holding), according to information from different sources in Y2017 group keeps active work on land bank increase. So we expect that in the nearest future Epicenter is to become one of the largest agri-holdings in Ukraine.

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