Astarta and MHP remain the leading exporters of soybean oil

31 May 2023

The export of soybean oil from Ukraine remains stable, the main exporters are the largest soybean processors - Astarta and MHP.

From the beginning of the current season (September 2022) to the end of April, Ukrainian companies exported more than 184,000 tons of soybean oil. Exports took place quite evenly during the entire reporting period - an average of 23,000 tons per month.

Currently, soybean oil from Ukraine is exported mainly by land - by rail and trucks through the border with Poland.

The main Ukrainian exporters of soybean oil during the current season, as in previous periods, remain the two largest Ukrainian soybean crushers - the companies MHP and Astarta.

According to our estimates, based on the operating and financial reports of these public companies, the share of MHP among the largest Ukrainian exporters was 18%, Astarta - about 15%.

If for MHP soybean processing is an auxiliary activity that provides the company with soybean meal for poultry feed production, for Astarta it is a separate and important business segment.

MHP does not disclose financial results for sunflower and soybean processing, but according to Astarta's reports, the profitability of soybean processing in the current season is absolutely the highest in recent years.