18 July 2023
In the first half of 2023, Ukrainian exports of sugar amounted to 251,000 tons worth $200 million, sugar confectionery - 40,500 tons worth $85 million.
Taking into account the very active export of sugar in the current season and fears about rising prices on the domestic market, at the beginning of June the Ukrainian government decided to ban the export of Ukrainian sugar from June 5 to September 15.
In the first days of June, Ukrainian companies managed to export an additional 12,000 tons, so the total export figure since the beginning of the season reached 390,000 tons.
It should also be noted that at the beginning of July, the Ukrainian government established an additional quota for exports to Romania (which was one of the main importers of Ukrainian sugar before the ban) of 20,000 tons (export will be subject to licensing), so the total export before the end of the current season will definitely cross the mark of 400 thousand tons.
Regarding the export of confectionery products made from sugar, in June it amounted to 6.6 thousand tons, since the beginning of the year - 40.5 thousand tons for $85 million (import - 7.9 thousand tons for $38 million).
In 2022, Ukrainian exports of confectionery products from sugar amounted to 70 thousand tons worth $139 million (-31% by 2021), import - 13.6 thousand tons worth $53 million (-26%).
Our recent review of the Ukrainian sugar market is available here.