In 2023 Ukraine is to have record-high average wheat yield

5 August 2023

As of August 3, about 60% of the total area of wheat has been harvested in Ukraine, among the regions Khmelnytskyi, Volyn and Vinnytsia show the highest yields.

Active harvesting of early grain and oil crops continues in Ukraine, as of August 3, 12.5 million tons of wheat, 3.7 million tons of barley, and 3.3 million tons of rapeseed were collected.

In the reporting week, the pace of harvesting was almost the same compared to the previous one - almost 880 thousand hectares of wheat, 250 thousand hectares of rapeseed and about 280 thousand hectares of barley.

As for wheat, according to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, as of August 3, almost 60% of the total area has been harvested (2.7 million hectares out of 4.5 million hectares), total crop is 12.5 million tons, the average yield has increased to 4.64 tons/ha.

With the progress of harvesting to the north and west of the country, the yield has been increasing, for the reporting week it comprised more than 5 t/ha.

Thus, according to our estimates, Ukraine will harvest about 22 million tons of wheat in 2023 (we are raising our forecast compared to the previous 20-21 million tons). The yield will reach a record of 4.8-4.9 t/ha (the previous record – 4.59 t/ha was set in 2021, in 2022 the average wheat yield was 4.05 t/ha).

The distribution of planted areas and yields by main regions, as well as comparisons with Y2021 (when average wheat yield was the highest for Ukrainian history), are shown in the table below:

Ðåã³îí Total area 2023, k ha Harvested on 3 Aug, k ha Current yield 2023, t/ha Area 2021, k ha Yield 2021, t/ha
Odesa 546 431 3.2 673 4.0
Dnipro 491 340 4.1 557 4.4
Mykolaiv 368 342 3.7 475 4.2
Kropyvnytkiy 352 250 4.8 382 5.0
Vinnytsya 321 165 6.1 322 5.7
Poltava 230 205 5.9 249 4.9
Kharkiv 223 115 4.7 580 4.8
Khmelnytkiy 210 76 6.7 215 6.2
Ternopil 198 110 5.5 199 5.8
Cherkassy 195 110 6.1 223 5.6
Kyiv 190 93 5.8 204 5.3
Lviv 175 39 6.1 160 5.0
Zaporizhya 84 41 3.2 706 3.9
Donetsk 83 54 3.5 383 4.0
Kherson 11 11 3.1 500 4.2
Others 820 316 5.1 1150 4.6
Total 4498 2698 4.64 6977 4.62

On August 3, two-thirds of the area under barley was harvested. The average yield is currently 4 t/ha, which is also significantly higher than last year's (3.22 t/ha), a total of 3.7 million tons were harvested.

As for rapeseed, its harvesting is coming to an end - a total of 1.2 million hectares (86% of the total forecast area) were harvested as of the reporting date, with an average yield of 2.81 t/ha (in the reporting week, the average yield was 3.27 t/ha), current crop – 3.3 million tons.

In the current season, the area under rapeseed has significantly increased in comparison with the previous one (1.376 million hectares against 1.156 million hectares), in terms of yield, it should be close to last year's (2.87 t/ha).

In terms of regions, the leaders in yield are Poltava (3.9 t/ha) and Ternopil (4.0 t/ha).

All statistics on the cultivation of the main grain and oilseed crops in Ukraine for the last two decades are given at the link.

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