25 December 2023
During January-November 2023 Ukrainian chocolate export made almost 49k tons for $172 million.
According to customs statistics, in November 2023 Ukrainian companies exported 6.3 thousand tons of chocolate worth $24 million. Since the beginning of the year export made 49 thousand tons for $172 million. During the same period of time - January-November 2023 - Ukrainian imports of chocolate amounted to 28,000 tons worth $148 million (note that the average price per one ton of imported chocolate exceeded the average price of Ukrainian exports by 50%).
If compared with Y2022, in tons the export of chocolate from Ukraine increased by 19%, in money terms - by 33%. Imports in tons decreased by 3%, in money terms - increased by 29%. The price dynamics of both exported and imported products is primarily explained by the significant increase in global cocoa prices (prices actually doubled during 2023).
In total, in 2022, Ukraine exported 45,000 tons of chocolate for $143 million, imported 32,000 tons for $130 million. Compared to 2021, exports decreased by 27%, imports by 37%.